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Board &

A board and train is where your dog comes to stay with us for the initial training to learn all they need to be successful. We do the heavy lifting and teach the necessary behaviors and skills, then once the dog comes back home to you, we teach you exactly how it all works, how it applies to your particular situation and how to make sure things remain successful. Our training is very custom to you and your dog and we are not "cookie cutter" dog trainers. Not every dog or every owner needs all of the same skills and we don't take every dog through the same curriculum. We teach dogs all the way from basic pet obedience to service dog level public access.


We only train dogs within a zone of comfort and the relationship between us and the dog is a top priority. Dogs do their best learning when they are comfortable and happy. Our board and train service is very exclusive and we only take 3 to 4 dogs for board and training at a time.

We only work with dog owners who are more committed than most and who are ready to learn and change for the better. 


Our board and trains include training for you and your dog, training tools, and follow up private lessons once the dog is back home with you. 

Board & Train
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