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Sport Dog

As dog sport competitors ourselves, we understand that sport dogs have a special skillset requirement to be successful. We love having the opportunity to set a dog up for their sport career and even if there aren't any major behavioral "issues" that need fixing, there's always room for fine tuning! 


We see it all the time at sport events where handlers are struggling with their dog before they even enter the ring, not to mention once the timer actually starts. The skills for the sport to earn your titles are key in winning those ribbons, but your dog shouldn't be a stressing you out or working themselves up ringside before your run even begins. 


We have trained many dogs who have gone on to be competent and competitive sport dogs in many different venues but there are some skills that are useful no matter which sport is on your radar which is why we work on directed skills for certain sports but also a general sport dog foundation which includes things like;


  • Startline stays
  • Engagement and focus in distracting environments
  • Value for the game and for the handler
  • Quiet and patience while waiting their turn and seeing other dogs work
  • Tug drive
  • An anticipation out/drop it
  • Cooperative and competitive play 
  • Retrieve to hand
  • Competition style heel work and rally/obedience skills
  • Following body language and directional cues
  • Drive capping
  • Rear end awareness
  • Distance handling
  • And so much more!


We have hands on experience from learning from some of the best, competing and earning titles and high placements ourselves, and/or attending seminars for agility, rally, obedience, barn hunt, disc, bite sports, herding and can even help you achieve the more entry level titles like trick titles, therapy dog, and canine good citizen. So wherever you are in your dog sport journey, we're here to help! 


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